Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Fever?

What a blustery day it is here! Nothing but rain, rain, rain in the forecast (and that's the 10 day forecast!) The kind of day where there's nothing much to do besides bake my favorite bread, snuggle, and think about all homegrown produce we'll enjoy in the warmer months to come.
So today, rather than actually working in my yard, I'll  just be daydreaming about it.
You know by searching through all those impossibly beautiful gardens on houzz and pinterest!

I'm hoping to at least get my radishes, spinach and lettuce in this week so we can start enjoying fresh salads asap!

Last week when I went out to weed my little raised beds I was surprised with these little 2nd generation goodies. My yummy lettuce mix that I inadvertently let go to seed has come back to feed our family for another year.

Hooray for non GMO seeds that re-seed themselves, yet another reason to buy organic!

I also picked up a bunch of beautiful Hosta bulbs I'm hoping to get in the ground soon. Hostas are just maybe my favorite plant ever. Did you know that I even had hostas in my wedding bouquet?

Anyhoo, I hope you are all enjoying nicer weather than we are. We've been on a medical roller coaster this past few weeks with Masie knocking his front teeth loose (3 is a little soon to lose your front chompers) and me having a new and uncharted health issues. We've been to so many appointments/labs I've scarcely had time to do anything else. I'm hoping that soon that annual spring fever bug will finally get me and I'll get going on the loads of projects we've been scheming!

& Fresh baked bread!

Friday, March 2, 2012

I {heart} Paper

A few weeks ago I gave you a little peek and my newest art obsession, and since then I have begun to create a whole paper world for myself. Honestly I'm not sure how it took me so long to get here. It's really pretty perfect for me, and here's why:

1. I'm working on an unbelievably tiny scale, I love tiny! I think that's the same reason I was drawn to jewelry.
2. Unlike jewelry fabrication, this is nearly free! Paper is so cheap and I currently have a ridiculous back stock of pretty papers to play with.
3. It's tedious, quiet, takes a lot of planning, and uses mostly recycled elements. check ,check,check and check! I love 'em all!

Besides the hunch back I'm developing from hunkering over my work table for hours on end I couldn't be happier with my new found love, and I got a few really exciting projects in the works. 

Here is the anniversary gift I made for Jess, It's a line from one of my favorite Sublime songs. I just love how bright and colorful it is, and I can't wait to hang it in our room next to our other cheesy lovey art. 

A tiny book page stage awaiting it's cast, which are still in pieces all over my desk

and most recently, two familiar, albeit still faceless little biscuits and one tiny pair of magic toilet paper tube binoculars!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend! If you are celebrating  Dr.Seuss' birthday, I hope you get to enjoy your green eggs and ham or roast beast, or who pudding or at least a good book! We'll be reading Mcelligot's Pool!

 & Paper love