Friday, April 1, 2011

April Foolery

from Martha Stewart

Ya know I never have been a big prankster. Being the youngest and only girl in my family, April fools was usually a  pretty nerve wracking day for me. This year my son is almost 6 and long since passed are the days when I can safely turn my kitchen faucet on without fear of the sprayer. I'm pretty sure that he thinks of April 1st as more of a backwards day, which is actually pretty funny.

Tonight is the school carnival and I am working the sno-cone booth. What's better than spending April Fool's Day with an entire elementary school. I can hardly wait to see what those kids come up with.

It has been sunny here for almost a week, I cannot believe my good fortune! I have spent most of the time out in my yard dreaming up projects for Jessie to build me. My lettuce and spinach plants are all sprouted and leafy and I'm already dreaming of the fantastic salads I will make. As frustrating as it is to wait out the rain this is always my favorite time of the year. By this point in our rainy season each sunny day is a gift and everyone seems so happy and renewed when we get a few in a row. The hardware store is swarmed with excited gardeners and the hum of lawn mowers can be heard all over the county.

So from me today there will be no pranks or tricks but I am a fool. A fool for playing soccer in the backyard with the boys, open windows and my curtains blowing in the breeze and lying out in the glorious sunshine!

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