Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The beauty

Even thought there is so much pain and sorrow in this world it is important to remember that there is also beauty and hope.

A few years back I decided that I would memorialize this day by taking every opportunity to show love and kindness to all I encounter in this world. Allow your heart to soften, even if just for one day be more patient and kind in your daily routine.

Lastly, today my thoughts will be with my brother, his wife, their children and the rest of the family today as they try to make sense of the sudden loss of  her father last night. Beginning to understand loss is always difficult but even harder when there is children involved. My heart breaks for them...

My love to you all

& kindness, today and always


  1. Bless your big ol' Heart Mer, and best to the fam. xx, TZ

  2. Are these from your garden? They are beautiful. Everyone here seems to be in shock about David's sudden passing, even Clinton. A very long, sad day. He will be missed.


A kind word always brightens my day!